GOAL Post 2018-4
Legislative Update from Olympia 27 January 2018


(Quick and dirty this week. I just got back on the redeye from the SHOT (Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trades) Show in Las Vegas. All kinds of new toys that our Dave Workman will be covering in future articles.)

SB 5992 (“bump stock ban) passed the Senate on a 29-20 vote. It now goes to House Judiciary for their consideration. Given that the bill had a couple of Republican co-sponsors and four Republican Senators voted “aye” on final passage, it will likely sail through the House and go to the governor. The impact of this is very limited, and if this is all that passes the legislature this session, we will be very lucky indeed.

SB 6415, by Sen. Hunt (D-22), and HB 2736, by Rep. Doglio (D-22), would require “express permission” from the homeowner before allowing a CPL holder carrying a concealed pistol in a residence. Violation is a misdemeanor plus FIVE YEARS’ LOSS OF CPL. “Express permission” is not further defined in the law. What constitutes “express?” Permission in writing? Video of owner granting permission?Court affidavit? Notarized statement?

The version of HB 1122 that passed out of House Judiciary last week was amended to follow the original language from HB 2319 introduced in 1997 (and gave rise to I-676 when it failed to pass the legislature that year). It drops the term “community endangerment” and returns to a form of reckless endangerment, it applies only to children who unlawfully access a firearm, and it defines “child” as anyone under the age of 18.

SB 5553 (suicide prevention, voluntary waiver of rights) passed out of the Senate January 24th on a 49-0 vote. It now moves over to House Judiciary.

A public hearing on several gun bills was conducted by House Judiciary on Thursday, 25 January. Testimony, pro and con, was taken on HBs 2666 (repeal state preemption), 1387 (background check on “assault weapons”), 2422 (restrict/ban “high capacity” magazines), 2293 (banning firearms in day care facilities) and 2519 (return of seized CPLs). It is interesting to note that not only were the anti crowd turned out in orange t-shirts for enhanced visibility, but for the first time (to the best of my recollection) pizza was catered in for this. But this was just a spontaneous grassroots turnout. Right! It’s nice to have millionaire sugar daddies.

The Senate Law & Justice committee will hold a public hearing on SB 6418 (possession of concealed firearm(s) in someone else’s residence) at 10:00 a.m. on January 30th. Senate Law & Justice will consider SBs 6297 and 6298 in Executive Session (vote to pass out of committee) on Friday, February 2nd, at 10:00 a.m.

HB 1000 Use of deadly force Doglio (D-22) H.PubSaf OPPOSE
HB 1004 Possession of firearms/state of emergency Shea (R-4) H. Jud. SUPPORT
HB 1015 Limiting restrictions on concealed carry Shea (R-4) H. Jud. SUPPORT
HB 1122 Safe storage of firearms Kagi (D-32) H. Rules OPPOSE
HB 1134 Assault weapon ban Peterson (D-21) H. Jud. OPPOSE
HB 1174 Firearm safety education in schools Muri (R-28) H. Edu SUPPORT
HB 1181 Prohibiting handgun sales registry Blake (D-19) H. Jud. SUPPORT
HB 1190 Prohibiting handgun sales registry Taylor (R-15) H. Jud. SUPPORT
HB 1270 Encouraging voluntary use of locking devices Harmsworth (R-44) H. Fin. SUPPORT
HB 1380 Repeals I-594 Shea (R-4) H. Jud. SUPPORT
HB 1381 Universal recognition of all state CPLs Blake (D-19) H. Jud. SUPPORT
HB 1387 Assault weapons background check Jinkins (D-27) H. Jud. OPPOSE
HB 1483 Allows destruction of forfeited firearms Lovick (D-44) H. Rules OPPOSE
HB 1529 Use of force Ryu (D-32) H.Pub.Saf. OPPOSE
HB 1592 Delivery of firearms to LEOs Klippert (R) H. Jud. SUPPORT
HB 1725 I-594 check exemption for CPL holders Koster (R-44) H. Jud. SUPPORT
HB 1731 Certain exemptions to I-594 Jinkins (D-27) H. Jud. SUPPORT
HB 1900 Hunter ed funding/NRA license plates Griffey (R-35) H. Trans. NEUTRAL
HB 1933 Transfer of firearms at non-profit events Walsh (R-19) H. Jud. SUPPORT
HB 2136 Profits from seized firearms go to education fund Taylor (R-15) H. Jud SUPPORT
HB 2293 Bans firearms in daycare facilities (exception) Kagi (D-32) H. Jud OPPOSE
HB 2306 Allows licensed veterans to carry at Comm Coll Van Werven (R) H. Jud. SUPPORT
HB 2329 Strengthens law making CPL data private Walsh (R-19) H. Jud SUPPORT
HB 2363 Drone delivery of firearms to offenders Pellicciotti (D-30) H.PubSaf SUPPORT
HB 2422 Bans “high capacity” magazines Peterson (D-21) H. Jud. OPPOSE
HB 2519 Return of seized CPLs Lovick (D-44) H. Jud. NEUTRAL
HB 2666 Repeals state preemption of gun laws Macri (D-43) H. Jud. OPPOSE
HB 2736 Permission to carry in a residence Doglio (D-22) H. Jud OPPOSE
SB 5000 Use of deadly force McCoy (D-38) S. L&J OPPOSE
SB 5050 Assault weapon ban Frockt (D-3) S. L&J OPPOSE
SB 5073 Use of force McCoy (D-38) S. W&M OPPOSE
SB 5216 Firearm safety education in schools O’Ban (R-28) S. K-12 SUPPORT
SB 5441 Involuntary freeze on firearm possession Kuderer (D) S.HumSer NEUTRAL
SB 5444 Background check for “assault weapons” Frockt (D-46) S. L&J OPPOSE
SB 5463 Mandatory safe storage of firearms Palumbo (D) S. L&J OPPOSE
SB 5506 Transfer of firearms at non-profit events Zeiger (R-25) S. Rules SUPPORT
SB 5553 Suicidal, waiver of rights Pedersen (D-43) Passed Senate NEUTRAL
SB 5795 Mandatory firearm liability insurance Chase (D-32) S. L&J OPPOSE
SB 5992 Bans certain “trigger devices” Van De Wege (D-24) H. Jud. OPPOSE
SB 6049 Bans “high capacity” magazines Frockt (D-3) S. L&J OPPOSE
SB 6146 Repeals state preemption of gun laws Saldana (D-37) S. L&J OPPOSE
SB 6173 Strengthens law making CPL data private Takko (R-19) S. L&J SUPPORT
SB 6297 Firearm possession with history of violence Dhingra (D-45) S. L&J NEUTRAL
SB 6298 DV harassment firearm ban Dhingra (D-45) S. L&J OPPOSE
SB 6415 Permission to carry in a residence Hunt (D-22) S. L&J OPPOSE

HB = House bill, SB = Senate bill. L&J = Law & Justice, Jud = Judiciary, PubSaf = Public Safety, HC = Health Care, H. K-12 = House Early education, Aprop = Appropriations, Fin = Finance, W&M = Ways &Means “S” before a bill number indicates Substitute (amended).

30 Jan Senate Law & Justice Hearing Room 4, John A. Cherberg Bldg
10:00 a.m. SB 6415

Contact information for your Representatives may be found at http://app.leg.wa.gov/districtfinder or at http://leg.wa.gov/House/Pages/MembersByDistrict.aspx. You may reach your Representatives and Senator by calling the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000. Toll free!!! The hearing impaired may obtain TDD access at 1-800-635-9993. Also toll free!!!

1-800-562-6000 TDD 1-800-635-9993

OTHER DATA: Copies of pending legislation (bills), legislative schedules and other information are available on the legislature’s web site at “www.leg.wa.gov“. Bills are available in Acrobat (.pdf) format. You may download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader from Adobe’s web site (http://www.adobe.com). You may also obtain hard copy bills, initiatives, etc, in the mail from the Legislative Bill Room FREE OF CHARGE by calling 1-360-786-7573. Copies of bills may also be ordered toll free by calling the Legislative Hotline at (800) 562-6000. You may also hear floor and committee hearing action live at http://www.tvw.org/ (you need “RealAudio” to do this, available free at the TVW web site). Each bill’s web page contains a link to any public hearing at the bottom of the page.

By reading the House and Senate “bill reports” (hbr, sbr) for each bill, you can see how individual committee members voted. By reading the “roll call” for each bill, you can see how the entire House or Senate voted on any bill. The beauty of the web site is that ALL this information is available, on line, to any citizen.

GET THE WORD OUT: If you want to subscribe to the GOAL Post by e-mail, send a message to “jwaldron@halcyon.com“. Please pass GOAL Post on to anyone you believe may have an interest in protecting our rights. Better yet, make a couple of copies of this message, post it on your gun club’s bulletin board, and leave copies with your local gun shop(s). PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO DUPLICATE OR REDISTRIBUTE GOAL POST PROVIDED IT IS REPRODUCED IN ITS ENTIRETY WITHOUT TEXTUAL MODIFICATION AND CREDIT IS GIVEN TO GOAL. I can be reached at “jwaldron@halcyon.com” or by telephone at (425) 985-4867. Unfortunately, I am unable to mail hard copy GOAL Post to individuals. Limited numbers of hard copies MAY be available at the Second Amendment Foundation book table at WAC gun shows.

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Upcoming WAC gun show(s):
Monroe 10-11 February
Puyallup 24-25 February

“The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men.”

Article 1, Section 24
Constitution of the State of Washington

Copyright 2018 Gun Owners Action League of WA