SIRT Pistol & LASR Training
October 30, 2016 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
| $20 – $30Train using the SIRT Pistol & LASR Software
It’s hard to get to the range to practice. Ammo can get expensive and hard to come by. this course will introduce shooters to the SIRT Training Pistol and LASR Software program. This system allows student to see where their shot hits when the trigger is pulled and which way they jerk the trigger and can even tell them when to reload. It is designed for basic to advanced shooters who want to improve their weapon handling skills and shooting abilities.
Instructor Don Gulla is a 32 year police veteran, 12 year SWAT team and entry specialist and police academy instructor with multiple certifications in firearms, force options, and defensive tactics.
Sunday, October 30, 11am-1pm, Puyallup Showplex
Must pre-register and pay course fee:
WAC member: $20
Non-member (includes admission to show): $30
Click here to register Online
or call the office at (425) 255-8410 to pre-register and pay
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