Laser Firearm Training
August 6, 2016 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Realistic Firearm Training at the WAC Show
August 6-7, Puyallup
Troubleshooter Tactical LLC is an advanced firearms training group, specializing in basic through advanced firearm training utilizing state of the art infrared laser video technology. This technology uses real firearms retrofitted with infrared lasers, and provides real recoil. Our scenarios are immersive, realistic and very engaging. They create opportunities for real-world training that is adrenaline packed and guaranteed to increase your heart rate! For the less adventuresome we offer everything from arcade type duck and bottle shooting, to a wild west shootout at the OK Corral as well as a zombie apocalypse. We even have a sci-fi seek and destroy adventure. So, whether you want to try your skills at realistic law enforcement type scenarios or you want to shoot bottles off a fence or splat zombies, come visit us at the Washington Arms Collectors gun show August 6-7.
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