Special Events
Call (425) 255-8410 to Register for your Course!
The WAC has a mission to encourage the safe use of firearms. Each year, WAC Education Committee volunteers create safer and more responsible new shooters in our community with the NRA Home Firearms Safety and Refuse to be a Victim classes. Staged at our Monroe and Puyallup shows, these classes introduce our club to the public and introduce the public to the enjoyment and responsibility of arms collecting.
The Washington Arms Collectors is now offering a Semiautomatic Assault Rifle Training Program at each of its hosted gun shows. This training is free to all current members and is offered to non-members at a cost of $30.
The class will be held the Saturday of every WAC gun show from 9am – 4:30pm. You do not have to pre-register. Please just come to the show where they will have an area dedicated to receiving your certification.
If you have any questions please call the office at 425-255-8410.